TERMINUS v2.0d, JR-COMM 1.02a

         Copyright ©1993 by John P. Radigan, All Rights Reserved.

The unregistered version of TERMINUS (with auto-dialer disabled) is freely-
      redistributable and can be found in most PD/ShareWare archives
  (including wuarchive.wustl.edu.)  The registered version can be ordered
 through the author for a ShareWare fee of $40 or for a $10 upgrade fee if
                    you are a registered JR-COMM user.
  The author can be contacted through E-Mail at the following addresses:

                          GENIE: JRADIGAN
                     COMPUSERVE: 76545,201
                            BIX: JRADIGAN
                       INTERNET: jprad@faatcrl.faa.gov
                    or bang path ...!rutgers!faatcrl!jprad

                         or through Snail-Mail at

                               P.O. Box 444
                           Ocean City, NJ  08226

                TERMINUS and JR-COMM are also supported on

             Dynalogic Product Support BBS - FidoNet: 1:266/61
                       (609) 398-7453 (24hrs/7days)
                   3/12/24/96/14.4/16.8kbps HST/v.32bis

For SkyPix fans, I'm not sure whether Radigan still supports JR-COMM 1.02a
 or even if it is still available from his BBS.  However, the unregistered
    version of JR-COMM 1.02 or 1.02a (with the delay screen) is freely-
      redistributable and can be found in many Amiga archives such as
          wuarchive.wustl.edu and on most Amiga-supporting BBS's.

   JR-COMM 1.02a (unregistered) can also be found on the [A]miga [U]ser
 [I]nternational Userdisk #6 (11/91) Magazine Disk, and my BBS carries the
                   original archive as a free download.

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